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AQUARELLEA Powerpoint template Use only one pagefor each brilliant idea that you have to shareOne thoughtOctober 20, 2016AQUARELLE POWERPOINT TEMPLATE2 One paragraphUse this slide style when you are sending the deck out digitally. It is not suggested to use this format for live presentations because of the amount of info displayed. Be careful not to exceed three lines. Use this slide style when you are sending the deck out digitally. It is not suggested to use this format for live presentations because of the amount of info displayed. Be careful not to exceed three lines. Do so at your own risk!AQUARELLE POWERPOINT TEMPLATEOctober 20, 20163 Caution, using too many bullets can kill your presentationSo, be sure to use them sparinglyYou want your audience to get your ideas quickly and easilyBulletsOctober 20, 2016AQUARELLE POWERPOINT TEMPLATE4 numbersThis is the first idea we haveHere is the second idea we are working onFinally, our third magnificent idea for you to considerOctober 20, 2016AQUARELLE POWERPOINT TEMPLATE5 two columnsUse this slide style when you are sending the deck out digitally. It is not suggested to use this format for live presentations because of the amount of info displayed. Be careful not to use too much text here. So just use this slide style when you are sending the deck out digitally. It is not suggested to use this format for live presentations in front of large audiences because of the amount of info displayed. Most people won’t be able to read all of this and listen to you speak at the same time. It is just too much to expect of them if you want to give a strong show.October 20, 2016AQUARELLE POWERPOINT TEMPLATE6 Three columnsA small amount of description text. Not much please! People can’t read that fast, seriously, no joke. A small amount of description text. Not much please! People can’t read that fast, no joke. A small amount of text. Not much please! People really can’t read that fast, no joke.Column OneA small amount of description te





