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PRESENTSWITH YOUR ABOUT PAGEACQUIRECUSTOMERS MAKE IT ABOUT THEM,NOT YOUIt’s all about framing.Nobody cares about your business. They care about whatyour business can do for them. They want to be persuaded that youand your product are a right fit for them.You can talk about yourself, but showcase whyyou are someone they should give their business to.1 Source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Framing_effect_(psychology)BBeforeA B AfterA EVIDENCE POSITIVE FRAMING AFFECTS CONSUMER DECISIONS! When psychologists Tversky & Kahneman used positive framing in 1981 to tweakOption (A) in a questionnaire, the percentage of people who chose that option jumped from 22% to 72% If they built their company with it, they must be reallygood at it. And they must be able to help you build yours.COPYBLOGGEREXAMPLE MAKE YOUR HEADLINEYOUR VALUE PROPOSITIONStart Strong.Skip "About", "About Us", "Who We Are", etc. They knowwhat they clicked on, so don't state the obvious.Make your case instead.2 SUCH SCIENCEGRAB THEIR ATTENTION - AND QUICK! Our attention span is slipping fast! 12sHumans, 2000 8sHumans, 2013 9sGoldfish17% of webpages are skipped within 4 seconds: 4s SKIP Source: http://www.statisticbrain.com/attention-span-statistics/ COOL PEOPLEWe all want to do business with people who believe whatwe believe. What do you believe? State it proudly.HELP SCOUT People remember stories.Stories grip people in ways that facts alone cannot. Study yourself, your team, your product and yourexisting customers and figure out your story.Then tell it, tell it as best as you can.TELL A STORY3 Researchers found in 2007 thatparticipants were willing to donate up to 2.4x more when presented with a story, as opposed to statistics Source: http://opim.wharton.upenn.edu/risk/library/J2007OBHDP_DAS_sympathy.pdfStatsStory MUCH RESEARCHSTORY SELLS BETTER THAN STATS Donations $2.83 $1.17 VERY STORYTELLINGMailChimp isn't just a
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