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RESUME Designer: product, ux, graphic Email Cell service@qiaobutang.com (+86)138-0013-8000 Experience December 2012 -present A ugust 2011 -present M ay 2011 - September 2011 May 2011 - August 2011 education August 2009 - present D esign for America at Yale Studio Co-Founder and Leader Co-founded DFA Yale. Applied to the national Design for America network. Managed seven project teams within DFA Yale. Led ideation and prototyping workshops. Grew DFA Yale from 5 students to 50 active members. Planned events and regional conferences in conjunction with DFA Headquarters. Yale Center for Engineering Innovation and Design Design Aide Ran 3D printing workshops and training at the CEID. Designed posters, banners, and signage for the CEID. Monitored studio space and assisted CEID members inneed of fabrication, CAD, or design help. Yale Human-Machine Interface Lab Research Assistant Developed prototype of posture correcting mechanism. Designed and fabricated pressure actuation devices. Built a system for retrofitting Aeron chairs with pressure actuators for human testing. A strid Inc. UX Design Intern Designed iOS and Android interfaces for app. Collaborated with software engineers to execute and implement new designs. Worked with design consultants to create a more positive user experience. Yale University, New Haven, CT B.A. Fine Arts, Sculpture Concentration Relevant coursework Mechanical Design Capstone Mechatronics Typography Metal sculpture Architectural Drawing Skill Adobe Creative Suite SolidWorks Graphic Design Rapid Prototyping Welding (Arc, MIG, TIG) Machining Sketching and Drafting HTML/CSS Arduino Mac OSX, Windows, Ubuntu Interests 3D Scanning and Printing Illustration Robotics Animation Badminton 使用问题帮助: 1. 为什么模板有表格虚框?如何去掉表格虚框? 不同版本的 WORD 默认设置不同,有的版本是默认显示表格虚框,所以就会看到表格虚框。去掉表格虚框 的方法如下: 1) Word 2003, 点击菜单栏的“表格 --- 隐藏虚框”即可将虚框给隐藏掉了。 2) Word 20





