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UNITSTUDIORUnique Design for Your Ideas 1WEEK INSHANGHAI EDITORWILLIAM YAN EDITORSPEAKERJOE LIUwww.51pptm oban.com 搜集整理 DESIGNERTONY YI CHARACTERS &SARAHNICOLETONYJOE SCHEDULEICSHOTEL BANGWe will arrive at your hotel in 5 minutes…TRAFFIC JAM Where are they?HOTEL15 MINUTES LATER… The building is GREAT!ICS BUILDING HOTEL2 FOOLS~!@#$%^&* QWhat was the principal cause of their awkward situation?W ww.51pptmoban.com 搜集整理 AAmericans tend to bond their activities with exact contracts. When J&T promised to arrive in five minutes, N&S thought they made a contract. And when J&T failed to arrive as they had promised, N&S regarded it as the breach of the contract, so they had the right to go away without informing.www.51pptmoban.com 搜 集整理 BN&S didn't considered traffic jam to be the reasonable excuse for lateness. They thought it was J&T's own fault that resulted in their lateness.www.51pptmoban.com 搜集整 理 CIt was the different time value that led to the awkward situation. When J&T promised to arrive in "five minutes", they just indicated that they would try their best to arrive soon, more or less than five minutes. However, N&S the "five minutes" was precisely 300 seconds. And they thought that J&T's lateness would also break down their following activities.www.51pptmoban.com 搜集 整理 DBecause J&T were designated to assist N&S, N&S thought they were superior to them and they didn't need to inform J&T of their decision. All that J&T could do was to follow their orders.www.5 1pptmoban.com 搜集整理 987654321THINK OVER… CONGRATULATIONwww.51pptmoban.c om 搜集整理 YANALSIS… PM-TIMEEMIT- THE ENDTHANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION





