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7 Curious ThingsPeople Do To TreatSunburns14 Wild Ways PeopleSoothe Their Sunburns Cold MilkSome people freezealoe vera in an icecube tray to rub gentlyon burned skin.Health Hack:Aloe VeraIce CubesSome bathe incold milk. Theyargue it's great forburned skin.Health Hack:Bath HAZELWITCHHealth Hack:YogurtThey say yogurt fightsbad breath. But does ithelp soothe sunburns?Some sunbathersswear by it.Health Hack:Witch HazelWitch hazel is ananti-inflammatoryastringent that canminimize pain anditching. Some use it tosoothe sun-irritated skin. YOGURT Health Hack:Aloe VeraCoolingTowelAloe vera is a classic,but this is new. Someinnovative peoplefreeze it on a towel &apply to burned areas.Health Hack:Earl GreyTea your thing? Someswear it helpssunburns, applyingteabags straight to theskin or diluting it withwater and dabbing witha wash cloth.tea Health Hack:WatermelonWe all associatewatermelons withsummer cookouts,but some use it tosoothe summerburns, applying cooljuice or fruit piecesdirectly to burns.Health Hack:ShavingCreamShaving cream oftenincludes glycerinwhich helps keepyour skin moisturized.Some people think ithelps hydratesunburns as well.www.51pptmoban.com 搜集整理 CucumberSome claim tomatoesrubbed on sunburnedskin soothes theburning sensation.Health Hack:TomatoesYou've heard ofcucumbers soothingtired eyes, but somethink they sootheburned skin as well.Health Hack: Another cup of tea?Some spray coldchamomile tea onburned skin.Health Hack:ChamomileTeaYou might like extramayo on your crispyBLT, but some wildfolks apply mayo totheir crispy skin!Health Hack:Mayonnaise BAKINGVINEGABaking Soda SODAHealth Hack:Baking soda can beused when baking, butis also known toreplace toxic cleaners.Some people also useit to reduce itching.Or maybe you preferpickling yourself?Some swear byvinegar for sunburns.Health Hack:Vinegar -R Disclaimer: You should always check with your doctor or professional healthcare provider before starting or changing any medical treatment. The information on this
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