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SOCIAL CUSTOMERTHE UNDENIABLE AUTHORITY OF THE锐普PPT论坛chinakui转:www.rapidbbs.cn THE DAWN OF THEDIGITAL AGE,along with the explosive growthof social media, has forced theevolution of customer service.With it came the rise of a newcustomer—one who has beenknown to topple even the mostrespected of brands.THIS NEWFOUND AUTHORITY IS KNOWN ASTHE SOCIALCUSTOMER.锐普PPT论坛chinakui转:www.rapidbbs.cn WHO IS THESOCIAL CUSTOMER?锐普PPT论坛chinakui转:www.rapidbbs.cn THE SOCIAL CUSTOMER TOUCHESNEARLY EVERY CORNER OF THE GLOBE.20%AT LEAST 20% OF THEWORLD’S POPULATIONUSE SSOCIAL MEDIA.THAT’S MORE THAN HALF OFTHE 2.4 BILLION INTERNETUSERS ACROSS THE WORLD.锐普PPT论坛chinakui转:www.rapidbbs.cn TODAY’S SOCIAL CUSTOMER IS:…WHICH HAS CHANGED EVERYTHINGBUSINESS OWNERS THOUGHT THEY KNEWABOUT CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS.LISTENING TO PEERSRESEARCHINGHEAVILY ONLINEPOSTING COMPLAINTSON SOCIAL MEDIA锐普PPT论坛chinakui转:www.rapidbbs.cn EXPECTATIONS ARE HIGH.In today's age of constantconnectivity and instantsolutions, the Social Customerdemands immediate assistanceat any hour of the day.锐普PPT论坛chinakui转:www.rapidbbs.cn FACEBOOK 46% 46% of customers want to engage with brands via Facebook to solve problems.39% of them are looking to give feedback about products or services. 29%29% of customersexpect responses within 2 hours. 22%22% of customers expect same-day responses.锐普PPT论坛chinakui转:www.rapidbbs.cn TWITTER81% of Twitter usersexpect same-daycustomer serviceresponses.22% of Twitter usersexpect responseswithin 2 hours.30% of Twitter usersexpect responseswithin 30 minutes. 81%22%30%锐普PPT论坛chinakui转:www.rapidbbs.cn 80%MORE THAN1 MILLION PEOPLEview tweets aboutcustomer serviceevery week.ROUGHLYof customer servicetweets are negativeor critical in nature.SOCIAL MEDIA HAS PROVIDEDAN INTIMATE CONNECTIONAMONG ALL CONSUMERS.锐普PPT论坛chinakui转:www.rapidbbs.cn 88%88% OF CUSTOMERS arein uenced by reading r
卡通课件 (3).pptx





