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2016ADD TEXT HEREDFYJ POWER TEMPLATEDFYJ DESIGN DFYJ POWER TEMPLATEDFYJ POWER TEMPLATEDFYJ POWER TEMPLATEDFYJ POWER TEMPLATECONTENTS PARTONE1 DFYJ POWER TEMPLATEQuickly switch slides—in or out of sequence—from a visual grid viewable at a glance. Slide NavigatorStay organized with new behind-the-scenes tools. , so you can keep your presentation focused.Presenter ViewWhen you project your presentation to a second screen, your slides and PresenterAuto-extend DFYJ POWER TEMPLATEWhen you project your presentation to a second screen, your slides and Presenter.Auto-extendTEXT HERETEXT HERETEXT HEREStay organized with new behind-the-scenes tools. , so you can keep your presentation focused.Presenter View DFYJ POWER TEMPLATEWhen you project your presentation to a second screen, your slides and Presenter.Auto-extendSlide NavigatorPresenter ViewAuto-extend DFYJ POWER TEMPLATE59%15%11%15%Quickly switch slides—in or out of sequence—from a visual grid viewable at a glance. Slide Navigator PARTONE2 DFYJ POWER TEMPLATEQuickly switch slides—in or out of sequence—from a visual grid viewable at a glance. Slide Navigator52%22%26%TEXT HERE52%26%22% DFYJ POWER TEMPLATEWhen you project your presentation to a second screen, your slides and Presenter.Auto-extend2010201120122013Quickly switch slides—in or out of sequence—from a visual grid viewable at a glance. Stay organized with new behind-the-scenes tools. , so you can keep your presentation focused.When you project your presentation to a second screen, your slides and PresenterDirect your audience’s attention right to your point. Zoom in on a diagram DFYJ POWER TEMPLATETEXT HERETEXT HEREPlease click here to modify the text for example, the text here.TEXT HEREPlease click here to modify the text for example, the text here.Please click here to modify the text for example, the text here.Please click here to modify the text for example, the text here, you may post texts. Please click here to modify the text for example, the text here, you ma
静态精选PPT (63).pptx





