WORKSfashion甄美丽The young always have a lot of things we can not retain such as far away timesuch as the withered emotionsthere is always a lot of things hard to forget, such as chasing dreamswelcome
我是甄美丽· 首次工作:2001-5或应届· 婚姻情况:已婚已育或未婚· 手机号码:186 025 88888· 电子邮箱· 民族:汉族· 现居城市:江苏-南京市· 身高:173cm· 最高学历:硕士The significant inscription found on an old key "If I rest I rust" would be an excellent motto for those who areafflicted with the slightest taint of idlenessEven the most industrious might adopt it with advantageto serve as a reminder thatif one allows his faculties to restlike the iron in the unused keythey will soon show signs of rust andultimately, cannot do the work required of them
MY WORKSThe significant inscription found on an old key "If I rest I rust" would be an excellent motto for those who areafflicted with the slightest taint of idlenessEven the most industrious might adopt it with advantageto serve as a reminder thatif one allows his faculties to restlike the iron in the unused keythey will soon show signs of rust andultimately, cannot do the work required of them单张作品名称HI
两张作品WORKS ONEThe significant inscription found on an old key "If I rest I rust" would be an excellent motto for those who areafflicted with the slightest taint of idlenessEven the most industrious might adopt it with advantageWORKS TWOwould be an excellent motto for those who areafflicted with the slightest taint of idlenessEven the most industrious might adopt it with advantage
The significant inscription found on an old key "If I rest I rust" would be an excellent motto for those who areafflicted with the slightest taint of idlenessEven the most industrious might adopt it with advantageMY WORKS三张作品
WORKSwould be an excellent motto for those who areafflicted with the slightest taint of idlenessEven the most industrious might adopt it with advantage