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INBOUND MARKETING 101(For Rabbis)Jordyne Wu@jordynejwu@hubspot.com  Inboundmarketing is a fundamental shift in how we relate to potentialcustomers congregants RETHINK MARKETING& ENGAGEMENT RECYCLE/TRASH44%SAY ‘DO NOT CALL’200millionSKIP ADS86%UNSUBSCRIBE91% STOP PUSHING messages in the hopes that one will get through. START ATTRACTING visitors through relevant, useful, easy-to-find content when they need it. Nurture them into congregants & participants. $$Inbound Marketing6Social MediaMarketingSearch EngineMarketingContentMarketingConversion MarketingLead NurturingSales SupportVisitor or CongregantCongregantEducationParticipationDonation Lessons from3,706,342companiesContentSearchSocialMobile1234 How We Doin’?Free tools or trials: HubSpot Temple Emanu-El Dallas Gets GradedFree tools: www.MarketingGrader.com content1 Publish, Publish, PublishBlogPodcastVideosPhotosPresentationseBooksNews ReleasesFree tools: WordPress, Blogger but make sure your URL is http://blog.tedallas.org or http://www.tedallas.org/blog 55% more website visitorsfor companies that blog. Tips for ContentTalk about the industryNOT YOURSELFUse lots of DIFFERENT MEDIA SEARCh2 ContextAuthority+ Prostho-dontistCosmeticDentist People are searching for …Free tools or trials: HubSpot, SEOMoz 32On-Page SEO EssentialsPage Title1Headings& ContentDescription Authority is determined by links FACT97%Blogs attractmore links.#OptimizeWS Where is Search Going?Where is search going? ContextLinkAuthority+SocialProof+ FACTThe is replacing the link.#OptimizeWS 3Use keywords your audience uses2Focus on great content more than technical tweaks3Train all content creators on SEO basicsHelp Me Help You41Tips for Search social3 % of Companies Acquiring Customers via Social Channels57%48%57%42% Content Makes You Interesting 79%more Twitter followers forcompanies who also blog.Image credit: netzkobold Good content gets shared RemarkableMORE! Seek Out ConversationsFree tools: http://search.twitter.com 3Build reach using all your assets2Content is what makes you interesting in social media3Make it easy for users to share your contentPush the limits to get remarkable content41Tips for Social If I Were a Rabbi …www.RabbiHelp.comwww.RabbinicalMusings.comwww.TalmudicOrNot.comwww.GetRabbiHelp.comwww.HelpMeStayKosher.comwww.RabbiHotline.comwww.BeyondHillel.comwww.RabbinicalTV.comwww.TheRealRabbisOfNorthShore.comwww.WhatWouldAbrahamDo.com mobile4 86% of C-level execs have a smartphoneThe majoritysay it is theirprimary communicationtool Is your website mobile optimized? Is your email mobile optimized? Is your email mobile optimized? 3Avoid images, tables, columns2Formatted text is your friend3Use text (not images) for linksTest yours at Marketing.Grader.com and Email.Grader.com41Tips for Mobile ContentSearchSocialMobileSummary Let’s Review Temple Emanu-El DallasFree tools: www.MarketingGrader.com Free Resourceshttp://www.hubspot.com/marketing-resources/TechCrunchMashableFacebook BlogTwitter BlogYouTube BlogCompete Blog Grade Yourself for Free Your Competition Jordyne WuTwitter.com/jordyneFacebook.com/jordynewuLinkedin.com/in/jordynejwu@HubSpot.comwww.HubSpot.comTHANKYOU





