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DREAMBEFORE2019SKY PREFACE Politics and economics are inseparable in society. In the workplace, work, politics, and personal abilities are also inseparable. The elite of the workplace are capable and politically aware. Personal ability shows the ability to control time, knowledge, problem solving skills, the ability to work in a political environment, the ability to judge one's environment, and the ability to create conditions that are good for one's own. A real career elite can do three things: I know what to do, I know what to do, and I have time to do it. Then, the three steps are the opposite for new recruits: I know what to do when I have time to go, and then I can see if it should be done.MY STORYONETOP CONTENTSONE TITLETHREE TITLETWO TITLEFOUR TITLEPrice competition is a competitive form which relies on low price for market, occupation of the market and defeat of competitors.MARKET TITLEONE PARTCFR port of destination. It means that the seller must pay the goods to the named port of destination and the cost of freight, but the goods to the ship deck, additional expenses goods risk, loss or damage and the accident occurred caused, in the goods pass the designated port side of the ship, you turn to Buyer by the seller. Other requirements the seller of goods for export clearance. SMOOTH OPERATORNetwork security is the network hardware, software and system data to be protected, not because of accidental or malicious reasonsCAREER PLANNINGcontacts; third elements: the external environment, including macro industrial organization, family and so on 3 aspects to 15+ basis of comprehensive analysis and determination of the balance factor a most suitable occupation development direction of of the present time, and make the arrangements and plans effective and reasonable to achieve this goal; and most importantly, occupation planning is a dynamic continuous process, each individual according to changes in the environment, and constantly CITY PLANNINGUrban planning is





