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西 江 月 .茶 词 序龙焙今年绝品谷帘自古珍泉雪芽双井散神仙苗裔来从北苑汤发云腴酽白盏浮花乳轻圆人间谁敢更争妍斗取红窗粉面 壹邵峰贰晒青叁峨蕊肆翠螺目录 壹邵峰 I only discovered the truth on the first day I was able to get up.I only discovered the truth on the first day I was able to get up.标题标题I only discovered the truth on the first day I was able to get up.标题 采集品鉴夜寒.杜耒寒夜客来茶当酒,竹炉汤沸火初红。寻常一样窗前月,才有梅花便不同。精选烘焙精装 夜寒.杜耒I only discovered the truth on the first day I was able to get up.In the evening I asked her to read to me,and was surprised how sleepy she seemed竹灶烟轻香不变,石泉水活味逾新 Another week over--and I am so many days nearer health, and spring! I have now heard all my neighbour's history, at different sittings, as the housekeeper could spare time from more important occupations项目标题 WHAT WE DO食罢一觉睡,起来两碗茶;举头看日影,已复西南斜;乐人惜日促,忧人厌年赊;无忧无乐者,长短任生涯。 两碗茶两碗茶两碗茶两碗茶两碗茶两碗茶两碗茶. 白居易 项目标题香泉一合乳,煎作连珠沸时看蟹目溅,乍见鱼鳞起声疑松带雨,饽恐生烟翠尚把沥中山,必无千日醉茶中杂咏·煮茶 The twelve years, continued Mrs Dean, following that dismal period, were the happiest of my life: 贰晒青 The twelve years, continued Mrs Dean, following that dismal period, were the happiest of my life: my greatest troubles in their passage rose from our little lady's trifling illnesses, which she had to experience in common with all children, rich and poor. For the rest, after the first six months, she grew like a larch 夜寒.杜耒寒夜客来茶当酒,竹炉汤沸火初红。寻常一样窗前月,才有梅花便不同。 80%90%I only discovered the truth on the first day I was able to get up.In the evening I asked her to read to me,and was surprised how sleepy she seemed项目标题竹灶烟轻香不变,石泉水活味逾新 夜寒.杜耒寒夜客来茶当酒,竹炉汤沸火初红。寻常一样窗前月,才有梅花便不同。项目标题项目标题项目标题I protested against playing that treacherous part in my employer's house: and, bes





