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海蓝风PPT (4).pptx

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Yesterday has passed, forever beyond our control.2019There are two days in every week that we should not worry about, two days that should be kept free from fear and apprehension.Cover DesignINTERIORDESIGNDE BY ZERO DESIGNDE BY ZEROYOU WILL BE BETTERYOU WILL BE BETTERThere are two days in every week that we should not worry about, two days that should be kept free from fear and apprehension.There are two days in every week that we should not worry about, two days that should be kept free from fear and apprehension. Look at the endless sea & with a heart far away1FOLLOW HEARTThe life of a person, can not have no dream, the dream of the place, the heart of the direction, no dream lost the soul, the walking corpse like a waste of time, wasted time.START Look at the endless sea & with a heart far awayThe sea, Boundless, the dream is the same way, with a dream, the foundation of the forward, refueling. Believe that you are the most powerful. VICTORY IS ALWAYS YOURSThe life of a person, can not have no dream, the dream of the place, the heart of the direction, no dream lost the soul, the walking corpse like a waste of time, wasted time. DESIGNDE BY ZEROThe life of a person, can not have no dream, the dream of the place, the heart of the direction, no dream lost the soul, the walking corpse like a waste of time, wasted time.START TELL US SOMETHING2018The life of a person, can not have no dream, the dream of the place, the heart of the direction, no dream lost the soul, the walking corpse like a waste of time, wasted time. 2FOLLOW HEARTThe life of a person, can not have no dream, the dream of the place, the heart of the direction, no dream lost the soul, the walking corpse like a waste of time, wasted time.STARTTELL US SOMETHINGThe life of a person, can not have no dream, the dream of the place, the heart of the direction, no dream lost the soul, the walking corpse like a waste of time, wasted time. DESIGNDE BY ZEROTELL US SOMETHINGThe life of a person, can not have no drea
海蓝风PPT (4).pptx





