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225条岁时就知道的时间管理技巧 THERE IS ALWAY TIME. TIME IS PRIORITIES. 时间常有 时间优先 Days always fill up. 时间总会有的每天只计划4-5小时用于真正工作—— DDH,37signals 当你在工作状态时那就多干点 不在状态时就好好休息有时候会连着几天不是工作状态,有时在工作状态时却又能天天忙活 12 小时,这都很正常的Work more when you are in the zone. Relax  when you‘re not. —— Alain Paquin 重视你的时间你的时间是1000美元/小时,你得行动起来Respect your time and make it respected. 并使其值得重视Respect your time and make it respected. 这只会消 耗注意力Stop multi-tasking. It merely kill your focus. 不要同时多任务 养成一个工作习惯,并持之以恒Set up a work routine and stick to it. Your body will adapt. 你的身体会适应过来的 We’re always more focused and productive with limited time. 在有限时间内我们总是非常专注并且有效率 获取工作的最佳方式就是工作Work is the best way to get working. Start with short task to get the ball rolling 从小任务开始做起,让整个工作运转起来 Work iteratively. Expectation to do things perfectly are stifling. 做完事情要胜于完美收工期待完美收工会令人窒息 More work hours doesn’t mean more productive. Use constraints as opportunities. 工作时间越长并不等于效率越高 Separate brainless and strategic tasks to become more productive按重要性划分工作,提高效率—— Sol Tanguay, Imarklab把思考和执行独立开来,是为了更快的执行和更好的思考 Organize meetings early during the day Time leading up to an event is often wasted用于准备会议的时间往往都浪费掉了有会议 尽早安排 Group meetings and communications (email or phone) to create blocks of uninterrupted work——Paul Graham即便是一个简单的会议,也会毁了一个下午。把下午分割成两个小时间段,以至于啥事也做不成了群组会议和沟通会产生不连续的任务邮件电话 Keep the same context throughout the day. Switching between projects/clients is unproductive在一整天中保持工作环境在不同项目/客户之间换来换去,这不高效 Break the unreasonable down into little reasonable chunks. A big goal is only achieved when every little thing that you do everyday, gets y





