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CUSTOMERBY THE NUMBERSSATISFACTIONZENDESK CUSTOMER SATISFACTION INDEX, MARCH 2012玩转大学 PPT http://daxue101.100get.cn TABLE OF CONTENTSWhat Drives Customer Satisfaction?About the ScienceThe Zendesk Customer Satisfaction Index3 Habits of Best-in-Class Companies1玩转大学 PPT http://daxue101.100get.cn YESTERDAYSegregated by channelDisconnected from businessTreated as a cost centerSubpar consumer experience TODAYInterconnected channel supportClosely tied to marketing/salesTreated as a revenue engineCritical to consumer experienceNEW CUSTOMER SUPPORT2玩转大学 PPT http://daxue101.100get.cn $338.5BTheamountbad customer service costsmajor countries aroundthe world annually SOURCE: GENESYS GLOBALSURVEY $289 Average valueof eachlostbusinessrelationshipinthe U.S. 82% Percentageof Americanswho saidtheystoppeddoing businesswith acompany because ofpoor customer service SATISFACTION COUNTSWhen it comes to customer service, satisfaction is what matters most. In fact, bad customer service can cost you billions.3玩转大学 PPT http://daxue101.100get.cn Zendesk’s Customer Satisfaction Index delivers a periodic measure ofcustomer satisfaction by collecting data from more than 15,000companies serving 65 million consumers across 137 countries.CUSTOMER SATISFACTION INDEX4玩转大学 PPT http://daxue101.100get.cn This global CustomerSatisfaction Index isthe result of a simplequestion asked tomillions of customersat the end of a serviceinteraction: “Howwould you rate theservice you received?”GLOBAL86%CUSTOMERSATISFACTIONGLOBAL BENCHMARK5玩转大学 PPT http://daxue101.100get.cn CUSTOMER SATISFACTION BY INDUSTRYReal EstateIT Services & ConsultancyHealthcareProfessional ServicesPersonal & Business Support ServicesFinancial & Insurance ServicesNonprofitEducationTechnology - HostingTravel, Hospitality & TourismMedia & TelecommunicationsSoftwareWeb ApplicationsTechnology - HardwareManufacturingMarketingRetail & WholesaleSocial MediaEntertainment & Arts GLOBAL 86% CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONZ





