孤 帆 远 影 碧 空 尽 唯 见 长 江 天 际 流静 逸CHOICE IS THE BEGINNING OF HAPPINESSEarly in the day it was whispered that we should sail in a boat, only thou and I, and never a soul in the world would know of this our pilgrimage to no country and to no end.故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。
灵一和尚《与元居士青山潭饮茶》野泉烟火白云间,坐饮香茶爱此山。岩下维舟不忍去,青溪流水暮潺潺。流Early in the day it was whispered that we should sail in a boat, only thou and I, and never a soul in the world would know of this our pilgrimage to no country and to no end.孤帆远影碧空尽
故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。气 度CHOICE IS THE BEGINNING OF HAPPINESSEarly in the day it was whispered that we should sail in a boat, only thou and I, and never a soul in the world would know of this宁/静/平/和/境/界/致/远冰冻的水晶映水色不别,向月光还度。倾在荷叶中,有时看是露。时间的演变,承载着记忆的画卷,如冰冻的水晶。CHOICE IS THE BEGINNING OF HAPPINESS, CHOICE IS THE BEGINNING OF HAPPINESS
CHOICE IS THE BEGINNING OF HAPPINESS有一种生活,值得等待,有一种生活,来自花园国度;澄净透明的空气里,阳光穿过浓密的树叶,洒照在飘满花香的千亩土地上。赤足走在花园中,耳旁隐隐传来鸟儿的呢喃……时时充盈活力、自由、亲善与和谐,来自花园国度的原味生活,总是如此轻易的让你爱上,就算是等待,也是一种美丽……佛性禅心【 】
静冰冻的水晶净映水色不别,向月光还度。倾在荷叶中,有时看是露。时间的演变,承载着记忆的画卷,如冰冻的水晶。CHOICE IS THE BEGINNING OF HAPPINESS, CHOICE IS THE BEGINNING OF HAPPINESS冰冻的水晶映水色不别,向月光还度。倾在荷叶中,有时看是露。时间的演变,承载着记忆的画卷,如冰冻的水晶。CHOICE IS THE BEGINNING OF HAPPINESS, CHOICE IS THE BEGINNING OF HAPPINESS境冰冻的水晶映水色不别,向月光还度。倾在荷叶中,有时看是露。时间的演变,承载着记忆的画卷,如冰冻的水晶。CHOICE IS THE BEGINNING OF HAPPINESS, CHOICE IS THE BEGINNING OF HAPPINESS
CHOICE IS THE BEGINNING OF HAPPINESSEarly in the day it was whisper