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山居秋暝汇报人:XXX 时间:XX年XX月 第一章空山新雨后Last night the west wind withered trees, the tower alone, looking at the endless road." This is the first state第二章天气晚来秋Last night the west wind withered trees, the tower alone, looking at the endless road." This is the first state第三章明月松间照 Last night the west wind withered trees, the tower alone, looking at the endless road." This is the first state第四章清泉石上流Last night the west wind withered trees, the tower alone, looking at the endless road." This is the first state 1此处输入文本文本内容此处输入文本文本文本此处输入文本文本文本此处输入文本文本文本此处输入文本文本内容这里是第一章节 The twelve years, continued Mrs Dean, following that dismal period, were the happiest of my life: my greatest troubles in their passage rose from our little lady's trifling illnesses, which she had to experience in common with all children, rich and poor. For the rest, after the first six monthsshe grew like a larch 60.6%71.4%唐。王维 明月松间照 Ancient and modern big business, the University asked who will pass three: "the realm of energy-saving. Alone on the high-rise, look at the end of the road. This is also the first habitat. "My end is no regrets, for pining away." These second are also. "He found the degreases, suddenly look back, that person but in the lights dim.". These third are also清泉石上流Ancient and modern big business, the University asked who will pass three: "the realm of energy-saving. Alone on the high-rise, look at the end of the road. This is also the first habitat. "My end is no regrets, for pining away." These second are also. "He found the degreases, suddenly look back, that person but in the lights dim.". These third are also 2此处输入文本文本内容此处输入文本文本文本此处输入文本文本文本此处输入文本文本文本此处输入文本文本内容这里是第一章节 此诗描绘了秋雨初晴后傍晚时分山村的旖旎风光和山居村民的淳朴风尚,表现了诗人寄情山水田园并对隐居生活怡然自得的满足心情,以自然美来表现人格美和社会美。全





