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卡通课件 (13).pptx

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HAPPYMELLYVIDEOINSTRUCTION VIDEOBACKGROUND 1.INDOORSWhen filming indoors the backgroundshould be plain. No prominent objectsshould be positioned within the pictureframe. NOPE! 2.WHITETry to avoid white backgrounds. Off-whiteor color backgrounds are more interesting. NOPE! YES! 3.CITYIf you decide to film outdoors make sure theshot is not too busy. Choose an interestingbackdrop. If you are filming in a metropolitancity make it recognizable in the video. YES! VIDEO LIGHT 4.DAYLIGHTAlways check whether you have enoughlight. Film preferably during the day inoptimal light conditions. YES! 5.ARTIFICIAL LIGHTApply the right camera settings when filminginside using artificial light so that your videodoesn’t appear dark or yellow. NOPE! 6.BACKLIGHTAvoid the backlight! The light source has tobe behind the camera at all times otherwisethe resulting picture will be too dark. NOPE! POSITIONING:FIGURE 7.CAMERA POSITIONAll the shots should be filmed from thefront. Avoid profile shots.Use either the whole figure in the pictureframe or a half figure. Don’t use extremeclose-ups and don’t zoom-out too far. YES! YES! NOPE! NOPE! 8.SPACEMake sure there is enough space around thefigure and that it does not appear offscreen inany part of the shot. NOPE! 9.FIGUREPOSITIONPositioning can be either central or clearlyin the left area of the screen or right area ofthe screen. YES! YES! NOPE!转自锐普PPT论坛:www.rapidbbs.cn POSITIONING:FACE转自锐普PPT论坛:www.rapidbbs.cn 10.FACEAREAAvoid obstructing the face (do not touchthe face, drink or put any objects in frontof the face).Take in account that the Happy Melly“mask” will be added as an extra layeron top of your video.转自锐普PPT论坛:www.rapidbbs.cn YES!转自锐普PPT论坛:www.rapidbbs.cn NOPE!转自锐普PPT论坛:www.rapidbbs.cn 11.SPACEVerify that there is sufficient space abovethe head and that it does not nearly touchthe picture fame. The Happy Melly “mask”would then be cropped by the video frame.转自锐普PPT论坛:www.rapidbbs.cn NOPE!转自锐普PPT
卡通课件 (13).pptx





