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人生思考.pptx 第1页
人生思考.pptx 第2页
人生思考.pptx 第3页
嘿,工作累了吗?Hey, r u tired in work? 放下一切,启程吧!Put down troubles to have a trip! 放下一切,启程吧!Put down troubles to have a trip! 放下一切,启程吧!Put down troubles to have a trip! 带上你的家人,一起远途Enjoy a long journey with your family :-) 带上你的家人,一起远途Enjoy a long journey with your family :-) 换一身休闲装Wear casual clothes拿上些许干粮Take few food & water开车到山脚下Drive to the mountain 带上你的家人,一起远途Enjoy a long journey with your family :-) 换一身休闲装Wear casual clothes拿上些许干粮Take few food & water开车到山脚下Drive to the mountain带上你的家人,一起远途Enjoy a long journey with your family :-) 换一身休闲装Wear casual clothes拿上些许干粮Take few food & water开车到山脚下Drive to the mountain 带上你的家人,一起远途Enjoy a long journey with your family :-) 随着音乐,开车去自驾游 Do a self-driving travelling tour with CD 换一身休闲装Wear casual clothes拿上些许干粮Take few food & water开车到山脚下Drive to the mountain随着音乐,开车去自驾游 Do a self-driving travelling tour with CD 随着音乐,开车去自驾游 Do a self-driving travelling tour with CD 甩掉压力,换个心情 Get rid of stress, and change a mood 甩掉压力,换个心情 Get rid of stress, and change a mood 你会发现生活因此与众不同You will find that the life becomes different 你会发现生活因此与众不同You will find that the life becomes different还在犹豫什么?Don’t be hesitating any more! 还在犹豫什么?Don’t be hesitating any more! 启程吧! START NOW!~ :-) THE END




